Excited about upcoming travels


I usually prefer to do things before I talk about them, but I've got such itchy, happy feet for all the fabulous things coming up in 2014, that I feel like I need to tell or burst!

This is going to be an exciting year for peaches&mint, but you know what's the best best thing about it? All those wonderful people I get to work with, meet and photograph for! I really couldn't be more in love with all my brides & grooms, those amazing artists & vendors I will work with this year! But I admit, it adds to the excitment, that some are taking me with them to photograph in more than just one amazing location:

Including Greece, Italy (so many dreams coming true with this destination and I'll be heading three times this season!!), Ireland, the country that half my heart is reserved for & that inhabits amazingly talented people like Pearl & Godiva, as well as a beautiful Chateau wedding in - oui - France!

Although flights are booked I probably won't believe till I'm actually there or even better, get to share some of the images I will create for them! Bare with me itchy feet, we'll be on the way soon, Contax packed and truckload of Film!

xoxo Pia

PS: ...this by the way, is a tiny sneak peak of the glory I got to shoot at aiola im Schloss a couple of weeks ago - full blogpost coming up next week and a few more glances up on Instagram if you like!

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