Austrian summer wedding


For a long time I've been dreaming about creating a traditional Austrian Trachten inspiration - without the "Kitsch" that the theme usually comes with. For a foreigner it might be strange, but Dirndl and Lederhosen aren't unusual outfits in Austria - still many people wear their Trachten for various occasions, for market saturdays, traditional celebrations and of course - weddings!

What could be more perfect for an outdoor summer wedding in Austria than the casual, uncomplicated elegance and the beautiful variaty of colors?

I teamed up with some amazing vendors like Jeannette-Rene Conrad of Prime Moments, Katharina Wolf of Landart Catering, Kunstgärtnerei Doll, Herz&Co and many more to let the pictures in my head come to life. Yet none of this would have been possible without the amazing support of my friends and family, who all wore their own Trachten and volunteered for the shoot!

So yes - this is just a little teaser for you - you can find the whole shoot in Hochzeitswahn's stunning inspiration book "Sei Inspiriert 2014", so hop over, grab yourself a copy and enjoy this celebration of summer!

A special thanks to Carmencita Film Lab who have been doing such an amazing job processing & scanning this shoot which I captured entirely on medium format film and to my dear friend Franzi for assisting me, my hero of the day!


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