Sweet summer days


Honestly I don't think this summer could possibly be any better - I am so much enjoying the long summer days and spending some time with my family in Salzburg and Upper Austria. As a photographer I have a tendency to pick up my camera mostly for work but I try to be good and shoot with family & friends as these pictures are the one's I often hold dear the most! So, I am very happy I got to shoot with these two lovebirds and their funky-fury companion Rosie - ain't I lucky to have such an amazingly lovely, intelligent & on top of all that gorgeously looking step-sister!? Loved the little floral necklace she made for Rosie - what a sweet splash of color, but yes I admit - you can give me flowers any day of the year and they'll make me happy!

By the way if you are interested - there are still a few spots left in my upcoming photography workshop in beautiful Portugal this autumn - check out Photographic Mind Trip for more infos, I'd love if some of you guys would come along for this surely amazing learning adventure!

Hope this little shoot inspires you to grab some family members and spend time with them out in the summer sun!

xoxo Pia


Summer prettiness shot on film and scanned by Carmencita Film Lab.

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